How do I create a simple module and calculation in Econ?
As an example, lets create a module named "Revenue" where we calculate a result named "Total Oil Revenue" which is the oil production multiplied with the base oil price and escalated by the escalation factor of 3% per year:
Step 1: Define a module named "Revenue"
Open PetroVR Econ and select File - New to start from scratch. Name the new model "test".
Right-click "Test Module", select "new Module" and name it "Revenue".
Step 2: Define an user input named "Base Oil Price"
Right-click "Revenue", select "new Input" and name it "Base Oil Price".
Set unit type to "CostPerVolume", unit to "$/bbl" and enter 20 $/bbl.
Step 3: Define a calculation named "Total Oil Revenue"
Right-click "Revenue", select "new Calculation" and name it "Total Oil Revenue".
Set unit type to "Money", unit to "$ MM" and enter 20 $/bbl.
Select the button to access the Plan Variable list and navigate to Production items - Facility - Total - Total Oil Production and click-and-drag or double-click "Total Oil Production" to add it in the equation editor area.
Add an "*" after the "Total Oil Production" in the equation editor area.
Click-and-drag "Base Oil Price" down after the "*" in the equation editor or select "Base Oil Price" in the influence diagram to obtain the same result.
Add an "*" after the "Base Oil Price" in the equation editor area.
Press the button to access the Function list, navigate to "Array" and double-click "escalate(start, rate)" to add it in the equation editor area.
In "escalate(start, rate)", replace "start" by "1" and "rate" by "0.03".
Select the green check-mark above the equation editor area to accept the changes.
Right-click "Total Oil Production" in the navigation tree and select "Include as Result".
Calculate the economic model, and open the "Current Result" button to review the Total Oil Revenue result.